
Monday, July 12, 2010


Another productive week of training. Tapering for the El Scorcho 50K begins this week with light running and strength work. I can't recall the last time I felt this good both mentally and physically. ALL my clothes are baggy! In fact, I couldn't keep my swim trunks up at the pool this Sunday. The drawstrings were as tight. To sum up last week's training:

- 2 x sprint interval sessions
- 2 strength and conditioning workouts (one day was light)
- stretching and mobility
- stamina run: 3 x 3mile repeats with 10 minute rest between sets.

You may have noticed from the below video that I'm wearing some odd looking socks. Specifically, they are compression socks made by Skins. I've seen some runners wearing these knee high for which my they peaked curiosity. I've worn them on two separate occasions: an interval session and my stamina run. My conclusion: I like 'em. The garment is intended to enhance your performance via applying distributed pressure along surface area which in turn accelerates blood flow. Skins contends that an increase in blood flow enhances performance. You can read about them here.
Towards the end of my stamina run on Saturday, the Skins felt as if they gave me a little extra support as fatigue set in. As far as the sprints today, they did not have a positive or negative effect on my performance. I will wait for the case study results.

1 comment:

  1. This guy is HOT!!! Who is he and why is he so provocative? Hmmmm....
